Tuesday, June 21, 2016

black hole

you are a nail i
grow weary of
a point approaching
you will be named
and survive the race
that called you 
such a thing
and when they
are dust, cosmic
your vacuum it 
blows them all
somewhere into
your streaming hair
and the other hair
lashes, nipples, labia
ornamentation and
limbs, fragrance, 
folding time, 
light, the stuff
of viscera,
the stuff of life
into what it is,
what we are,
what are we 
but galactic 
pollen, souls
indeterminate fractions
existing nowhere
and two places in
the same instant
but keep dividing
without lies nothingness
something wicked
comes on the 
face of the math
revealing your sketched
dimensions in
these stellar clouds

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