Tuesday, March 1, 2011

eugene retires to florida

eugene retires to florida
and I weep for joy

i cry for that
cigarette i asked for
and those last couple
beers and that
slice of cold pizza cj

it was a long slow morning
that passed over
my eyelids
in a ferry ride flash
green yellow
waves rocking each
passenger to
sleep or to heaving

i chatted with matches
for a long while
trying to drag
smoke out of a
swept chimney
with my lungs

they filled up with
scotch and burst over
the dam inside

but veranda took off
to a better place
than planned, so if she
enjoyed herself
with that guy with the
ridiculous moniker
then Everyone had a
decent night!

but this morning
eugene retired to florida
and i wept for joy

i should really be
writing a poem
to jay for never
throwing me out when the
doors close

but he'll get his share.
no doubt i'll be singing
karaoke on someone's
grave with that
magnificent bastard
one day
in the future, of course
all in due time

for now he seems
content to have
a fellow there in the
same boat, slaves
to the same cattle-call
drones unto
the childless future
we will share. at least
in the genetic sense
of parenthood

not quite emasculated
but certainly not rolling
in a two million dollar
with go-go dancers
on either arm and an
abusive intolerance
of misunderstood drink

and when jay hears
these thoughts he'll
mock them with me
because its not
the money or the
dancers we want
just freedom to
say it out loud
and maybe get
the fucking job
done now and again
feel like men

so i should call him
up and rustle up
some sin
good safe family
boys out on the town
next month though
when there is money again

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